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Issue: December 2024 | No. 2 / 2024
Picture Titel Newsletter
Dear Subscriber ,
Thank you for your interest in the IraSME network and its latest news! 

Please also visit the IraSME website for your information needs or send us an e-mail to info@ira-sme.net for a more personal consultation.
If you do not wish to receive this newsletter anymore, please follow the link at the bottom in order to cancel your subscription.

Kind regards,
the IraSME Coordination Team
Content of this Issue:
New IraSME Call
Picture 28th Call

35th IraSME Call for Proposals OPEN until 26 March 2025

Even though it's rather dark and cold in most IraSME member countries and regions these days, it's now time to let your R&D ideas shine bright and work against any sort of winter depression! 

The 35th IraSME call for market-oriented R&D projects is open from December 2024 until 26 March 2025.
The following countries/regions are taking part in this call: Austria, Brazil, Czech Republic, Flanders (Belgium), Germany, Luxembourg, Türkiye, and Wallonia (Belgium).

All applicants should make sure they are familiar with their own country's or region's funding rules, as those do differ from one another! You may find an extract of the rules sets and each local IraSME representative with their contact details in the Countries/Regions section of the IraSME website. 

For more information on the current IraSME call and relevant documents, please click on the button below.

Read more
Upcoming Events
Webinar I: IraSME Information & Consultation Session AT/DE/LU/TR
⇒ 14 January 2025, 10:00-11:30 (CET) / 12:00-13:30 (TRT) 

During this virtual info session, we offer both some general information on the IraSME calls for proposals as well as a more detailed overview of the national funding conditions in Austria, Germany, Luxembourg, and Türkye. At the end, participants will have the opportunity to consult directly with an IraSME representative of these four countries during breakout sessions. Please find the full agenda and registration link on the IraSME website, or simply click the button below to register.

Webinar II: IraSME Information & Consultation Session BR/DE
⇒ 15 January 2025, 10:00 - 11:15 (BRT) / 14:00-15:15 (CET)  

During this virtual info session, we offer both some general information on the IraSME calls for proposals as well as a more detailed overview of the national funding conditions in Brazil and Germany. At the end, participants will have the opportunity to consult directly with an IraSME representative of these two countries. Please find the full agenda and registration link on the IraSME website, or simply click the button below to register.

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IraSME Events

Our events (past and present) are also listed in the events section on the IraSME website: 

New ZIM Funding Guideline Available

Starting from 1st January 2025, a new and improved funding guideline for the German "Central Innovation Programme for SMEs" (ZIM) will take effect.
ZIM is Germany's largest innovation programme for SMEs by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK), and it is the funding programme used by German IraSME project partners.

The new funding guideline (Richtlinie) and a summary of the most important changes is available on the ZIM website (in German only): www.zim.de.

The Germany section on the IraSME website has been updated accordingly.

For any questions regarding ZIM in general and international ZIM cooperation projects in particular, please contact the IraSME coordination team at info@ira-sme.net.

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IraSME Partner Overview
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IraSME Coordination Office
Tel. +49 30 48163 589

AiF Projekt GmbH
Project Management Agency of BMWK
Tschaikowskistr. 49
13156 Berlin (DE)

CEO: Frank Kreller, Clemens Schumacher
Register: Berlin-Charlottenburg HRB 128333
Tax ID: DE 272835496
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